10% Off Coupon Code for Priceline Express Deals Hotels

You’ve probably heard about how you can bid on good hotel deals at  In big cities like New York, they also have what they call “Express Deals” where you select hotels through a similar process but there’s not bidding required. And with this special promotion from Priceline, you can get an additional 10% off a New York City hotel with a 3-star or better rating. You just have to book the hotel as an “Express Deal” and use coupon code BIGCITY6.  Taking an additional 10% off your hotel is s great deal. That saves you $15 a day on a $150 hotel room.

Deal Details:

Get 10% off Priceline Express Deals Hotels in New York City.

The 10% discount only applies to hotels rated 3-stars or better (the Priceline website clearly shows the star ratings)

You need to make your reservations by September 16, 2013 to get the 10% discount.

Coupon Code for the 10% discount is BIGCITY6

Here’s a link that will take you to the page to select a hotel: Express Deals Metro Sale 10% Coupon! ends 9/16/13