10% Off One Groupon Local Deal

The extra discount offers from Groupon just keep on coming. The June 12 & 13 15% discount has expired, but now there’s a new promo code for an extra 10% off a local deal.

Use promo code “DAD10” to receive an additional 10% off one Groupon Local deal.   This code is good on Saturday June 14th from 12:00 a.m. EDT to 11:59 p.m. PDT. The maximum discount is $50 and the offer does not apply to Starbucks deals.

If you’re not already a Groupon member, it’s free and easy to join. Just place your order and they’ll walk you through account set-up at check-out.

Here are a few NYC Local deals that you could use the promo code on.  Or, see all NYC Local deals here.

Manhattan Helicopter Tour

“The Ride” Bus Tour

New York Water Taxi Cruise

Cupcake Walking Tour

Chocolate Tour of New York

Dinner at Jekyll & Hyde Pub

Craft Beer Sail on the Clipper City

Sushi and Drinks at Kumo Sushi


See all NYC Local Offers


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