Hotels aren’t the only option in NYC. There are lots of apartments available as daily vacation rentals. TripAdvisor has over 1,400 NYC vacation rentals listed.
New York City apartments can be very small but they’re still likely to provide you with more space than a hotel room. Plus, most of the rentals sleep at least 3 or 4 people.
Some of the properties listed at TripAdvisor are pretty pricey, but many are very comparable to hotel rates, and you have the benefit of extra room and the use of a kitchen. Check the location carefully to be sure you’ll be in a neighborhood that’s near the things you want to see and do (there’s map with the TripAdvisor listings that shows where they’re located) and read the reviews from other travelers to make sure the rental is a nice place to stay.
See New York City Vacation Rentals at TripAdvisor