Enjoy a brunch of two, two one entree and one cocktail per person, for $29 at Cafe Tallulah. The restaurant is located on the Upper West Side at 240 Columbus Ave (Columbus and 71st Street). This is a great location to start a day of exploring Central Park. The 72nd Street Central Park entrance is just a short walk away.
Reservations are required and you’ll need to redeem your deal voucher by November 13, 2014.
The menu includes a mix of classic French Bistro and contemporary Mediterranean dishes. See the brunch menu.
If brunch isn’t your thing, Gilt City also has dinner offers available.
[su_button url=”http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-7129256-10931325?sid=talullah&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.giltcity.com%2Fnewyork%2Fcafetallulah%3Faffid%3D350%26utm_medium%3Daffiliate%26utm_source%3DCJ%26utm_campaign%3DGC%3AAffiliate%3ACJ%26pkey%3Dcj&cjsku=68196″ style=”flat” background=”#8c9ab5″ radius=”0″ icon=”icon: star”]Cafe Tallulah Deal at Gilt City[/su_button]
Cafe Tallulah – Brunch for Two
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