Discount Tickets for New Broadway Musical “Amazing Grace”

Amazing Grace” begins preview performances on Broadway June 25, 2015 at the Nederlander Theater.  The musical takes place in the 1700s and is based on the story behind the “Amazing Grace” song we all know today. The show had a successful run in Chicago before moving to Broadway.

The “Amazing Grace” cast includes Josh Young, Erin Makey, Tom Hewitt, Chuck Cooper, Chris Hoch, Stonley Bahorek, Harriett D. Foy, Laiona Michelle, Rachel Ferrera, and Elizabeth Ward Land.

LivingSocial Offer:  LivingSocial is offering a deal with $74 mid-mezzanine tickets and $94 orchestra or front-mezzanine tickets for shows through September 6th.  See the offer details.

Ticketmaster Discount: Save up to 35% off on performances from June 25th through September 6th 2015 at Ticketmaster with code “PLAY2”.   See the offer details.


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