Extra 5% Off Promo Code for Priceline Express Deals


Use Coupon Code “HOLIDAY” to get an additional 5% off when you book a 2-star or higher hotel through Priceline’s Express Deals.  Offer ends December 24th.

Express Deals at show you a discounted hotel rate for hotels with a specific star rating in a specific neighborhood of the city. You won’t lean the hotel’s name until after you’ve made your reservations.  The booking is non-refundable, so you can’t cancel or change the booking once it’s made.

NYC Cheap Travel checked out some of the offerings and it looks like you get the best deals for fairly short-notice travel, i.e a week or two out.  We saw mid-December four star theater district hotels listed for  $142 a night and four star Central Park hotels for $121 a night. Good deals!

Check out the Express Deal hotels at Priceline, and be sure to use the “HOLIDAY” coupon code for an extra 5% off. 5% Coupon off Express Deal Hotels. Ends 12/24