Many hotels offer discounts, special rates, and bonus amenities if you book directly with them, rather than through one of the hotel reservations sites. One of the best places we know of for finding this special offers is the “New York City Special Offers” page at TripAdvisor.
New York City Special Offers at TripAdvisor.
There are over 200 hotel offers for you to review. Some of what if being advertised as special offers aren’t so special, like free wifi. Does anyone really charge for hotel wifi any more? However, if you search through the listings, there are some good deals to be found. We saw several hotels offering discounted fall and winter rates. Some has last-minute weekend rate offers. A few were giving a free night with stays of a specified length.
Two hundred plus offers is a lot to sort through, but it’s a good way to discover new hotels and new ways to save money. See the special offer listings.
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