Tag: blue note

  • Discount Sunday Jazz Brunch at the Blue Note

    Enjoy some jazz with your Sunday brunch at the famous Blue Note Jazz Club.  This offer from LivingSocial includes a brunch entree, drink and cover charge for the performance for just $19.  Regular full-price is $35.

    See the LivingSocial deal details.

    There are two seatings for the brunch. For the earlier seating, doors open at 10:30 a.m. and the show starts at 11:30 a.m., for the second seating, doors open at 1:00 and showtime is 1:30.  Seating is general admission and on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Tickets are available performances in July and August

    The Blue Note is located at 131 West 3rd Street, between 6th Avenue and MacDougal Street, near Washington Square Park.


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  • Blue Note Jazz Club – Discount Admission

    Enjoy a jazz brunch or an evening performance at the legendary Blue Note Jazz Club with this offer from Living Social.

    Pay $19 for a Sunday jazz brunch (includes one brunch entree, a drink of your choice, and the cover charge) or $17 for one ticket to a 10:30 p.m. evening show on Tuesday – Thursday or Sunday. The offer is available for performances in July and August.

    See the Living Social offer details for available dates and the performers schedule.


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