Promo Codes/Coupon Codes:
Save money on hotel reservations at with these promo code offers.
Save an Extra 15% Off on Travelocity Hotels. (No Min Spend, No Min Stay) Use PROMO CODE: INSPIRE. Book by 7/18.
Save money on hotel reservations at with these promo code offers.
Save an Extra 15% Off on Travelocity Hotels. (No Min Spend, No Min Stay) Use PROMO CODE: INSPIRE. Book by 7/18.
Update (04/10/15): This promo code has been extended through April 30th.
Travelocity is offering a coupon code good for 10% off participating hotels. There’s a three night minimum stay requirement. You need to book by March 31st , 2015 and travel by December 31, 2015.
Take 10% off Participating Hotels (Min. Stay 3 Nights), use PROMOCODE: TEN2015.
Travel By 12/31/15
These “participating hotels” offers can be kind of a pain for travel to many places because the major chains do not usually participate. But that’s not really a problem in New York City, because there are so many good hotels that are not part of one of the big national chains.
To use this promo code, go to Travelocity, find a hotel you like, click on the “book” button for the room type you’re interested in, then on the next page look for the “enter a coupon or promotion code” text under the “How would you like to pay?” headline. Click on the text and a box will appear where you can enter the “TEN2015” code. If the code works, you’ll see a message saying that it worked and the discount should be applied to the trip total on the right. This code expires on March 31, 2015.
Note that there’s a three night minimum stay requirement on this offer, so the code won’t work on shorter stays.
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