Visit, & TripAdvisor for Trip Planning Resources



Three good all-inclusive NYC sites worth visiting if you’re planning a trip to the city are, which is the official tourism site,, and TripAdvisor  All cover things to do and places to stay, plus they each have certain special sections at which they really excel. Some good information found on each site is highlighted below.

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Good Info:


Where to Stay:  TripAdvisor is an excellent resource for hotel selection. The traveler reviews are very helpful and the price comparison from various hotel-booking sites is useful for getting the best rates on your stay.

Itineraries: has a nice selection of suggested itineraries, featuring sights and activities for all kinds of interests.

What’s Happening?  The events section at has lots of event information – the options can be a little overwhelming. The Top Annual Events page is a good way to find out what major events might be happening during your visit.

On Broadway:  The Broadway Shows section at is a good source of information about what’s playing on Broadway.  They have news and features about current shows and maintain a section that lists both new shows that are opening soon and a “last chance to see” list of shows scheduled to end their runs.  They also offer good discounts on select shows.

Where’s That??  The guide to boroughs and neighborhoods is a good way to orient yourself to the various parts of the city.

Transit: also has a nice guide to transportation in the city, with links to more in-depth information on how to make use of the many transportation options available.

Some In-Depth Info:  The “Secrets of …” series of posts at provides interesting behind-the-scenes looks at some of the city’s iconic establishments.

Traveler Advice:  Although most people think of TripAdvisor as a hotel resources, another very useful feature of their site is the “Traveler Articles” written by fellow travelers. There’s an extensive selection of articles about NYC travel, covering just about anything you might want to know.


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