Visit the north end of Central Park for the Harlem Meer Performance Festival’s series of free concerts. These concerts are held on an outdoor stage at the Charles A. Dana Discovery Center, inside the park between Lenox and Fifth Avenues. Concerts are Sunday afternoons from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Here’s a Google Map showing the location of the Charles A. Dana Discovery Center and Harlem Meer.
2015 Schedule:
June 28: Elle Winston (Americana/Blues)
July 5: Los Soneros de Oriente (Cuban Són)
July 12: ¡Retumba! (Afro-Caribbean Music and Dance)
July 19: Sean Smith Quartet (Jazz)
July 26: La Orquesta Jeryco (Salsa)
August 2: Famoro Diobate & Kakande (West African Music)
August 9: Harlem Blues & Jazz Band (Jump Blues/Jazz)
August 16: Quimbombó (Cuban Són)
August 23: Ebony Hillbillies (Bluegrass/Appalachian)
August 30: Garifuna International (Music and Dance of the African Peoples of Central America)
September 6: Dee Dee LeVant Gospel Ensemble (Gospel)
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